Friday, March 8, 2013

Glass Cookie Jar

I found this awesome glass cookie jar at WalMart for $9.97 and just couldn't resist. Most of the plants came from a RAOK on

Tank: 2g Jar
Lighting: Natural. East facing window
Filtration: None
Substrate: MiracleGro Peat Moss, Hyponex Potting Soil, Black Aquarium Gravel
Fauna: 3 Malaysian Trumpet Snails, 1 Ramshorn snail.
Flora: Rotala rotundifolia, Dwarf Sag, Wisteria (one stem), Jungle Vals


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Syrup Bottle - 'Pete'

I've been looking at ecospheres, bottle biology projects and planted jars for years. I recently emptied a syrup bottle and thought about how cool it could look.

I cleaned it out really well and coaxed the labels off with nail polish remover, then cleaned it really well again.

I layered the bottom with a very thin layer of play sand from Lowe's, added decholorinated water straight from the tap, then took a small clipping of Hornwort from the Guppy Tank and found a pond snail wandering around in one of the tanks. I then put the lid back on the bottle, closed the top and found a spot where it will get indirect sunlight.

The black spot on the side is Pete the Pond Snail

Guppy Tank

Tank: Standard 20H Glass Aquarium
Lighting: DIY fixture - 3x 17W CFL , 1x 13W CFL
Filtration: 2x Tetra Whisper 5-15 HOB
Fauna: Wild x Endler Hybrids
Flora: Hornwort, Guppy Grass, Java Moss, Taiwan Moss, Java Fern, Wendelov Java Fern, Jungle Vals, Anacharis, Cabomba, Crypts, Amazon Sword, Lawn Marshpennwort


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Rili Playground

Tank: 10g Standard
Lighting: DIY fixture - 3x 17W CFL
Filtration: None, just an airstone
Substrate: Aquarium Gravel (black), Missouri Creek Gravel, Play Sand
Fauna: Red Rili Shrimp
Flora: Java Moss, Taiwan Moss, Java Fern, Wendelov Java Fern, Guppy Grass, Hornwort, Bolbitis, Fissidens, Riccia, Italian Val, Anacharis, Crypts, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, Dwarf Hairgrass


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Anubias melted, removed it
Added more moss rocks
Added more baby Java Ferns
Added Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
Added Hornwort and Guppy Grass behind moss wall
Added Java Moss on rock suspended by fishing bobber
Cholla wood developed horrible slime, removed it

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The hornwort and Guppy Grass are hiding behind the moss wall :-)

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Indoor Pond

I originally had plans for this to be a shrimp pond for culls, and I might still do that. However, I'm starting to think about other fish that might like to live here.

Tank: 29qt Hefty Storage Tub
Lighting: 13W CFL
Filtration: None, just an airstone
Substrate: None, except potted plants
Fauna: None
Flora: Java Moss, Guppy Grass, Wisteria


Bikini Bottom

I did it! I gave in and purchased a $6 pineapple house. I can't stand the show, but I do love the pineapple house and Gary the snail. One of these days I'll find a small Gary statue for this tank

Tank: 5.5g Standard
Lighting: 13W CFL
Filtration: None, just an airstone
Fauna: Red Cherry Shrimp
Flora: Hornwort, Anubias Nana, Taiwan Moss, Fissidens, Flame Moss, 1 lone Italian Val Plantlet


PFR Garden

I consider this tank to be a random garden of sorts. It has ground cover, "full sun" and "shade" areas, as well as a nice mix of plants. I had started it with just a few plants, as you'll see in the first pic. As I got in plant orders for other tanks, I took the extras, random tag-alongs, and trimmings and planted them in this tank.

Tank: 5.5g standard
Lighting: 13W CFL + 3.2W LED + Early morning sunlight in front right corner
Substrate: Hyponex Potting Soil + Play Sand
Filtration: None, just an airstone
Fauna: Pained Fire Red Shrimp
Flora: Italian Val, Cabomba, Taiwan Moss, Java Moss, Round Pellia, Java Fern, Crypt, Anacharis, Notocyphus lutescens, Hydrocoytle sibthorpioides, Rotala Rotundifolia, Dwarf Hairgrass


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1.5g Moss Cube

Tank: 1.5g Tetra WaterWonders Aquarium
Lighting: 3W LED
Filtration: None, just an airstone
Fauna: Zebra Danio Fry
Flora: Taiwan Moss, Peacock Moss, Round Pellia, Flame Moss, Fissidens, Notocyphus Lutesens, Riccia (floating)

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I have plans to add 3-5 RCS eventually, just to keep the moss clean :-) and to have something to watch while I'm sitting here at my desk.

1g Window Bowl

I have been oogling planted bowls/vases/jars for quite awhile now, and I am fascinated by natural (dirt) tanks. I've tried a wabi kusa before and wasn't overly excited with it. 


Tank: 1g Fish Bowl
Lighting: Natural, East facing window
Filtration: None
Substrate: Miracle Gro Peat Moss (fertilized) topped with Hyponex Potting Soil topped with Play Sand
Fauna: 2 Tiny Snails (the flat ramshorns, name?)
Flora: Java Fern, Java Moss, Taiwan Moss, Anubias Nana 'Petite', Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, Rotala Rotundifolia, Unknown stem or two, Dwarf Hairgrass


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