Monday, February 18, 2013

Can't Wait for Friday!

Assuming 3 day shipping on everything, I should have plants and shrimps both arriving on Friday. I'm so excited I can barely contain myself. I can't wait to get the 20H and 10g fully planted and the shrimp settled into their new home. I was going to get the standard Red Cherry Shrimp, but since I was last in the hobby, they have bred new variations and I was able to get some red/blue rilis for nearly the same price as I would have been able to get the RCS.

I've found myself just sitting and staring into the new tanks, imagining what they might look like very soon.

Indoor Gardening Afternoon

This afternoon, I have spent A LOT, like an unhealthy amount of time reading about aquariums, planted tanks, fish and all kinds of related stuff.

I took clippings from three of my pothos plants and stuck them in three different aquariums. The fish are fascinated by the additions and I can't wait to see how well they root and what kind of growth I can get out of them.

I dropped by lucky bamboo in the goldfish filter, should be interesting, definitely has to be better than what it's been living in (gravel w/ a little bit of water, no nutrients).

Nano Idea

I would love to to a planted nano tank. I have a 3.5g that currently houses 6 guppies, but they will be moving to the 20H within a week or two. OR I could dig out the 1.5g cube.

I'm thinking dirt substrate topped with gravel or sand or something. I'd like to grow both submerged and immersed plants.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Off Topic - My Studio

I'll update on the hermies in a few minutes, but here's a quick update on some new changes to my "studio".

Finally!!! I found the motivation/inspiration/energy, whatever it was that I was missing that was holding me back on the progression of my studio.

I share the space with my boyfriend. I can do whatever I want as long as he still has a clear desk, chair and floor space for his chair, lol.

Yesterday, I purchased some inexpensive shelves to store my supplies. Then I went to work clearing out two 18 gal storage tubs full of beading supplies. Finally, I got everything sorted, organized and stashed on the new shelves. The rest of the room still needs some work, but I'm finally on the right path! Last night, I even had the space to tackle a small project. 

This morning, I cleaned up from last night's project, plugged in the radio, and dug out a small fish tank that I had in storage. It's full of water and running already :-). I don't have any decorations left from before, so now I have to save up for decor and a fishy. I really want two fishys, a pleco and a goldfish. I know, both are messy fish with the potential to get very large, but as I was digging in storage the other day, I found a 20 gallon tank with stand and all of the accessories. It will be my motivation to get the rest of the house in order.

Anyway, photo time!